On Death
Alan Watts 说,人的出生,便是被从悬崖扔下,早晚都会落到地上。昨日的光景,转眼就到了头顶上方,再也无法回去。想想看,几十亿的人,学习,工作,吃饭,睡觉,出游,交谈,游戏,与此同时,所有人都在下坠。下坠使人苍老,使人衰弱,最后终于颤颤巍巍的摔到地上;又或者,那些眼睛尚且明亮,肌肉尚且饱满的人们,猛一转头,下一秒,就重重的撞击在了地面之上。然而,数十亿的人,仍在下坠……与你一同下坠的人,也与你一同不复存在;又有那无穷的后来者,前赴后继的被抛下生命的悬崖。
Alan Watts 说,人的出生,便是被从悬崖扔下,早晚都会落到地上。昨日的光景,转眼就到了头顶上方,再也无法回去。想想看,几十亿的人,学习,工作,吃饭,睡觉,出游,交谈,游戏,与此同时,所有人都在下坠。下坠使人苍老,使人衰弱,最后终于颤颤巍巍的摔到地上;又或者,那些眼睛尚且明亮,肌肉尚且饱满的人们,猛一转头,下一秒,就重重的撞击在了地面之上。然而,数十亿的人,仍在下坠……与你一同下坠的人,也与你一同不复存在;又有那无穷的后来者,前赴后继的被抛下生命的悬崖。
In this article I am going to prove Euler’s theorem \(F+V-E=2\) for any normal polyhedron, where F denotes the number of faces of the polyhedron, V the number of vertices, E the number of edges. The proof will utilize the fundamental theorem of linear algebra. The relationship that exists between these two theorems I think is fascinating.
摘自理查德·费曼的文章:The Value of Science
There are the rushing waves, mountains of molecules, each stupidly minding its own business, trillions apart, yet forming white surf in unison.
Ages on ages, before any eyes could see, year after year, thunderously pounding the shore as now. For whom, for what? On a dead planet, with no life to entertain.
Never at rest, tortured by energy, wasted prodigiously by the sun, poured into space, A mite makes the sea roar.
Deep in the sea, all molecules repeat, the patterns of one another, till complex new ones are formed. They make others like themselves, and a new dance starts.
Growing in size and complexity, living things, masses of atoms, DNA, protein, dancing a pattern ever more intricate.
Out of the cradle, onto dry land, here it is, standing: atoms with consciousness; matter with curiosity.
Stands at the sea, wonders at wondering: I, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.
关于我周末在 YouTube 上的 Google Talks 看到的一个关于抗衰老最新研究的一个演讲
衰老是一种疾病吗?这种疾病是可治愈的吗?据 David Sinclair 所说,现在最新的科研成果找到了衰老的原因,找到了衰老的度量方法。科学家们成功地加速了实验小鼠的衰老,他们说,如果你能加速,你就可以减缓。