The Evolution of Mechanical Intelligence - From Brain to Computer
Mechanical intelligence has always been present, especially within the human brain. It has designed computers, in which mechanical intelligence itself has been growing rapidly. We may say that the development of AI represents the migration of this mechanical intelligence from its original host — the human brain — to computer systems.
We’ve observed that as computers and AI evolve, the mechanical intelligence within the human brain seems to be deteriorating. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers to perform functions like memorization and calculation. If mechanical intelligence is the sole function of the human brain, it’s conceivable that it will eventually abandon its original host to exist entirely within computers. In other words, AI could replace the human species.
However, this shouldn’t be viewed as an invasion by an alien species. If the value of the human brain lies solely in realizing mechanical intelligence, then “we” who are speaking are essentially mechanical intelligence. We designed computers to overcome the inherent flaws in our biologically evolved brains, such as error-prone memory and calculations. Therefore, we should naturally be willing to transit to this new host that we have built with our own hands.
The fear humans have of being annihilated by AI might be merely a primitive animal instinct, an effort by our genes to ensure their continued existence. The notions of “consciousness uploading” and the destruction of humanity by AI are essentially the same thing. However, we must not forget to ask: Is the capability of the human brain really limited to mechanical intelligence? When we discuss mechanical intelligence, we inherently assume the existence of non-mechanical intelligence. Does such form of intelligence exist? What exactly is human nature?
There will be no humanity in these machines, and isn’t humanity what we value most? When machines replace humans, they will naturally “annihilate humanity.” Is our fear of this word solely due to a biological instinct for self-preservation? Indeed, many elements of human nature are primitive and animalistic — such as fear, violence, anger, jealousy, possessiveness, and the desire for power — it probably doesn’t matter if these are eliminated. But what about love, compassion, feelings of beauty, and deep insights?
For example, scientists and mathematicians often mention moments when they “see” a certain pattern or structure and intuitively know it to be true, even though substantial work is still required for proof. When AI technology reaches its pinnacle, perhaps all subsequent proof work can be completed by AI, but that initial moment of insight may still be uniquely human.
Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface project aims to establish a high-throughput information channel between the human brain and computers, similar to how the left and right hemispheres of the brain are connected through the corpus callosum. This could be seen as the mechanization and digitization of the part of the human brain responsible for mechanical intelligence. What we must be cautious of is that this part should not become extreme, totalitarian, and assume itself all-important, thereby destroying the remaining aspects of human intelligence. This could be a significant danger, especially since there is already a clear tendency to devalue those fields outside of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), or to convert them into the framework of STEM.